President Janell Moore opened the business meeting at 11:35 a.m. at the Tioga Heritage Museum meeting room, with a rental fee of $75. Cary Chandler opened the meeting in prayer.

The roll call of officers found two officers present: Janell Moore, President and Melinda Butts, Secretary.

The reading of the minutes of last year's meeting were read and approved by Jimmie Nell Lewis and Carolyn LaCroix Deville.

Janell Moore presented the financial report that was approved by Cary Chandler and Robin Chandler.

Carolyn LaCroix Deville introduced herself as a self-professed history buff, who volunteered to serve as one of our Facebook officials and told of her vast experience with the Alexandria area and its colorful history, and her work on their Facebook pages.

Officers were elected by unanimous decision: Janell Moore, President; Cary Chandler, Vice President; Melinda Butts, Secretary; Carolyn LaCroix Deville, Historian.

President Moore surveyed those attending and determined the following:

Oldest was Pat Barron at 93; Youngest was Jude Fuselier 11 months; Farther Traveled was Cary Chandler; Most Descendants Present; Janell Moore with 3.

Births included: Jude Thomas Fuselier on August 28, 2018

Death included: Caroline Key

Melinda Butts made the suggestion to add to our website and make it readily available to use for our members, and a motion to pay the expense for our domain name was made by Cary Chandler and seconded by Louis Boyd.

The meeting date and location for 2020 reunion were discussed, and the motion to have it at this same location on August 8, 2020, was made by Glynda Fuselier, and seconded by Cary Chandler.

A report by Carolyn Deville and Kirk Key was made some of the history of the area.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned with prayer by Glynda Fuselier.