2024 Minutes
2024 Minutes
LaCroix Family Reunion
47th Annual Meeting Minutes
Saturday, August 10, 2024
President Janell Moore opened the business meeting at 11:25 a.m. at the Tioga First Baptist Church meeting room, with no use fee, but we made a donation of $75.
The roll call of officers found four officers present: Janell Moore, President; Cary Chandler, Vice-President; Melinda Butts, Secretary, and Jimmie Nell Lewis, Historian, with Carolyn LaCroix Deville, Co-HIstorian being absent..
The minutes of last year's meeting were read and approved by Lewis Boyd and seconded by Kiesha LeBlanc..
Janell Moore presented the financial report with our previous balance being $1214.71, plus $85 dues paid at the door, $25 paid per cash app, less the facility donation of $75 and website and invitation costs of $169.90 for a new balance of $994.81 that was approved by Jimmie Nell Lewis and seconded by Cary Chandler.
Officers were elected by unanimous decision; Janell Moore, President; Cary Chandler, Vice President; Melinda Butts, Secretary; and Jimmie Nell Lewis, Historian, and Carolyn LaCroix Deville, Co-Historian that was approved by Cary Chandler and seconded by Jimmie Nell Lewis. Another motion made by Cary Chandler to add Marlon Bourque as a Co-Historian as well, due to his extensive research and knowledge, was seconded by Jimmy Nell Lewis, so we added him to our officers.
President Moore surveyed those attending and determined the following:
Births: Caroline Rae Fuselier 4/24/24; Remington Marsh 2/21/24
Deaths: Eva Worsham passed 11/2023 and Pat Barron passed 4/18/2024.
Oldest was Geraldine Milliard at 87; Youngest was Kaisym Gallent at 6 years; Farthest Traveled was Janell Moore at 797 miles; Most Descendants present, Mary Ann Mertins with 2.
In Old Business, the discussion of the LaCroix Cemetery Booklet and history was tabled until next year, while the cost of the marker was determined to be $40 from Amazon to be ordered by Melinda Butts, when the information is available.
In New Business, Secretary Melinda Butts gave an update on the website and Facebook page, and all agreed that it was a good addition to help keep up with our family history. Jimmie Nell Lewis also asked for people to notify her of any historic changes by calling her at 318-443-1683, and try to keep more updated while people are still here to tell their stories.
The meeting date and location for the 2025 reunion were discussed, and the motion was made to continue to meet at Tioga First Baptist Church at 1309 Singer Street in Pineville, LA 71360 on August 9, 2025, after Melba LaCroix graciously offered to let us use their church facility again. This passed with a motion from Cary Chandler and seconded by Melba LaCroix.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned with prayer and blessing of the food by Jimmie Nell Lewis.
We still have the $5 annual dues that can be mailed to Janell Moore or electronically paid at mamajrae@yahoo.com or CashApp $Nanoo34