Family Reunion
41th Annual Meeting Minutes
August 13, 2016
President Amanda LaCroix opened the business meeting
at 11:45 a.m. at the First Baptist
Church in Ball, LA. The sign-in sheet indicated that 9 persons were
present. Elvis DeFreese opened the
meeting in prayer.
The roll call of officers found these officers
present: Amanda LaCroix, President and E.W. McDonald, Historian.
The reading of the minutes of last year's meeting was
waived due to an electronic mishap.
Janell Moore presented
the financial report and motioned to accept the report. The motion was accepted by E.W. McDonald and
seconded by Vicki Littleton.
There were no committee reports.
The election of officers took place as all present
current officers stepped down due to scheduling conflicts for future meetings.
New officers elected were Janell Moore, President; Melinda Butts, Secretary;
Elvis DeFreese, Historian.
President LaCroix surveyed those attending and
determined the following:
Oldest was E.W. McDonald; Youngest was Traxten
Renfrow; Farther Traveled; Elvis and Amanda DeFreese; Most Descendants Present;
Janell Moore.
Births included: Traxton Lydell Renfrow 6-1, 2016;
Xiomara Manzo 10-28-2-15
Death included: Calton Littleton 9-24-20125
The meeting date and location for 2017 reunion were
discussed, with a letter to inform members of the location to be sent. E.W.
McDonald motioned to have the meeting on August 12, 2017.
There being no further business, the meeting was
adjourned with prayer by Janell Moore.